StrategyMedFor Introductory Online Workshop
An online introductory workshop of StrategyMedFor is set for the 21st of June 2024. This 2.5 hour online workshop is a targeted event that brings together the project partnership, its 8 associated partners, and key Mediterranean players in Mediterranean Forest-related matters.
This online workshop includes 2 sessions:
- The first session will present the partnership of StrategyMedFor, the project overall objective and its detailed action plan. A focus will be provided on its first year of implementation and on the site level work envisaged.
- The second session is an interactive consultation with the participants considering existing criteria and indicators linked to Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) developed by key Mediterranean stakeholders over the past years. This session aims at collecting initial inputs on the challenges, gaps and needs and on possible innovative solutions related to the SMF in the Mediterranean region.
This online workshop is one of a series of targeted stakeholders’ encounters that will guide the framework setting of the development of the Strategy for Sustainable Management of Mediterranean Forests (SSMMF) being the reference document that will be achieved by this project to guide forest management including protection and restoration into resilience for the next 10 years.
More information to come.
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Stay tuned for further updates on StrategyMedFor’s progress as the project unfolds!
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